• Baha'u'llah's seals

    Bahá’u’lláh defines his mission and teaches about the soul

    When Bahá’u’lláh had arrived in Gallipoli, on his way to exile in Akka, we have already seen that he predicted the consequences that would arise from the exile. In, the same letter (the Suriy-i-Rais – the Tablet to the Chief Vizier of the Ottoman Sultan), Bahá’u’lláh also takes time to make clear what the purpose of his mission was. This Youth hath come to quicken the world and unite all its peoples. The day is approaching when that which God hath purposed will have prevailed and thou shalt behold the earth transformed into the all-glorious paradise.[1] Bahá’u’lláh not only states that his purpose is the quicken and unify mankind –…

  • Gallipoli suriy-i-rais

    When the World Changed: Gallipoli and the Chief Vizier

    The future is hardly ever what we expect it to be. It almost always surprises us. This is proof enough that in any point of time, although we often write history as if it was inevitable, many possible futures stretch out before us. Sometimes there are pivot points in history when things change profoundly from what came before — or from what they might have been. When Baha’u’llah sent his message to the kings – the Suriy-i-Muluk  — he warned them that their actions had the power to change the future. If ye pay no heed unto the counsels which, in peerless and unequivocal language, We have revealed in this…

  • house of baha'u'llah adrianople

    And the People Wept …

    Events moved quickly following the issue of the order for Bahá’u’lláh’s exile from Adrianople and perpetual imprisonment in Akka. Bahá’u’lláh and his followers lived together in a house in Adrianople. One morning they awoke to find that their home had been surrounded by soldiers of the Sultan. Guards were posted and Bahá’u’lláh and his followers were told to prepare for exile. Bahá’u’lláh’s fame was already considerable. As the news spread, consuls of foreign governments in the city wrote with offers of assistance, for which Bahá’u’lláh expressed thanks but which he declined. The Governor of Adrianople, who was an admirer of Bahá’u’lláh, had written objecting to the government’s mistreatment of Bahá’u’lláh…

  • sultan selim mosque edirne

    Poisonous Envy

    The spiritual world which continually surrounds us, but of which we are only dimly aware, has its own natural laws, so to speak. Among these are laws governing the ways in which the human soul interacts with that world. For some souls, close proximity with the spiritual world draws out the best in them, for a few it draws out the worst. Abdu’l Baha alluded to these patterns in talks he gave over dinner to visiting western pilgrims. In short, that human beings may choose to rise to angelic heights or plunge to demonic behaviours. Consider, likewise, the differences that exist among the members of the human race. Christ was in…

  • Tablet of the Branch

    In Adrianople, Bahá’u’lláh began the public announcement of his mission; writing to kings and rulers and to followers of the Bab. Also from this period, Bahá’u’lláh was already looking far ahead to the time when he would no longer be in the physical world and he was laying the foundations of the Baha’i Faith after his passing. We have already noted the role of Abdu’l Baha in his journeys to the West,[1][2][3][4], and in his role as the foundation stone of human unity. We have seen the extraordinary work schedule that he maintained. In France, his first address was concerned with kindness and welcome to strangers. In the Tablet of the…

  • napoleon III - apartments

    Bahá’u’lláh’s first letter to Napoleon III: the Responsibility of Government for Welfare of the People

    We have seen that while Baha’u’llah was in Adrianople he wrote to the rulers of society, individually and collectively. From this period comes Bahá’u’lláh’s first letter to Napoleon III – Emperor of the French – who at the time was at the height of his power and influence. Bahá’u’lláh’s letter announces his mission as do other letters of this period. Some of this letter is however concerned with responding to statements Napoleon III had made some years earlier in the context of the Crimean War. Two statements graciously uttered by the king of the age have reached the ears of these wronged ones. These pronouncements are, in truth, the king…

  • arthur de gobineau

    Origins of Racism: the Case of the Count de Gobineau

    When we see racism still at work in our world it is important not only to know its current manifestations but also to understand something of how it arose. This article concerns, Count Arthur de Gobineau, a man who is often labelled a “father of racism”. Of course, no one individual is solely responsible – but he was clearly one of those whose influence contributed to the strengthening of racist ideology. Curiously enough he also appears as the European historian who wrote the first extensive account of the birth of the Babi religion, as we have seen in the article on E.G Browne. Regrettably, it appears, Gobineau did not pursue…

  • religious scholar accused of being a babi - avicenna memorial

    The religious scholar accused of being a follower of the Bab

    In the time of Bahá’u’lláh, there lived in Persia a very erudite and accomplished religious scholar, Aqa Muhammad. Aqa Muhammad was so accomplished that later in life he was awarded the degree of “mujtahid” (recognition as an authority in Islamic law) by his teacher. About the time that Bahá’u’lláh was in the Black Pit (the Siyah-Chal) and there was intense persecution of the followers of the Bab, Aqa Muhammad arrived in Tehran to join a theological school. Aqa Muhammad was interested in metaphysics and philosophy, an interest the head of his new school shared. Aqa Muhammad was befriended by the head who welcome the opportunity to talk about such matters. Among the…

  • edward granville browne

    Edward Granville Browne – the only western scholar to meet Bahá’u’lláh

    Edward Granville Browne was a young man in England when he first came across a most amazing account. It was the story of a severely persecuted and new born faith. He recalls the impression it made on him: My attention was first attracted to the subject by .. the .. work of M. le Comte de Gobineau … entitled “Religions et Philosophies dans l’Asie Centrale,” from whose graphic and vivid description of the first beginnings and early struggles of the Babis I derived more pleasure than I can describe. Anxious to learn more on the subject, I sought for other accounts, which should inform me of the further progress of the…