Kahlil Gibran: Love is a spirit and you its essence
Kahlil Gibran has written much on the theme of love. Below are two new English translations of his poems Love is a spirit and you its essence (الحب روح أنت معناه) and Some we love, but we do not come near (البعض نحبهم لكن لا نقترب منهم).
The second poem brings to mind the figure of May Ziadeh who was his most famous ‘distant’ love.
Love is a spirit and you its essence
الحب روح أنت معناه
Love is a spirit and you its essence
With a good word you fashioned it
Have mercy on a heart on the brink of
Perishing and protect him with thy care
When I saw you my destiny was fulfilled
A dream delighting in your beauty
O blessed are my eyes in your company
O joyful is my heart when you confide in it.
Translated by Michael Curtotti
الحب روح أنت معناه
والحسن لفظ أنت مبناه
إرحم فؤادا في هواك غدا
مضنى وحماه حمياه
تمت برؤيتك المنى فحكت
حلما تمتعنا برؤياه
يا طيب عيني حين آنسها
يا سعد قلبي حين ناجاه
Some we love, but we do not come near
البعض نحبهم لكن لا نقترب منهم
Some, we love them …
But we do not come near
For distance exalts them
And in the night sky they shine
And in the distance, they are more beloved
. البعض نحبهم ..
لكن لا نقترب منهم
فهم في البعد أحلى
وهم في البعد أرقى
وهم في البعد أغلى
And some we love them …
But we have forgotten how to come near
Life’s troubles have made a gulf between us
And separation from them is painful
And without them, we know not how to live
.والبعض نحبهم ..
ونسعى كي نقترب منهم
ونتقاسم تفاصيل الحياة معهم
ويؤلمنا الإبتعاد عنهم
ويصعب علينا تصور الحياة حين تخلو منهم
And some we love them …
And we hope to live a beautiful story with them
We contrive excuses to meet them
And invent reasons to to see them
And life with them is more fantasy than truth
. والبعض نحبهم ..
ونتمنى ان نعيش حكاية جميلة معهم
ونفتعل الصدف لكي نلتقي بهم
ونختلق الأسباب لكي نراهم
ونعيش في الخيال أكثر من الواقع معهم
Some, we love them …
But a secret love unspoken
And we remain silent, despite its pain
And we do not proclaim that love, even to them
For the obstacles are insuperable
And the punishment fearful
And it is better for each of us
that the doors of love between us
remain … forever … locked
. والبعض نحبهم ..
لكن بيننا وبين أنفسنا فقط
فنصمت برغم ألم الصمت
فلا نجاهر بحبهم حتى لهم
لان العوائق كثيره
والعواقب مخيفه
ومن الافضل لنا ولهم
ان تبقى الابواب
بيننا وبينهم .. مغلقه ..
Some we love them …
And with that love we fill the Earth
And proclaim them to the world
And speak of them at all times
And we need their presence …
like water … like air …
And in their departure, we would drown,
Even if deprived of them for a day.
. والبعض نحبهم ..
فنملأ الارض بحبهم
ونحدث الدنيا عنهم
ونثرثر بهم في كل الاوقات
.ونحتاج الى وجودهم ..
.كالماء … والهواء ..
ونختنق في غيابهم
أو حتى الإبتعاد عنهم
Some, we love them …
Because we find no other
And our need for love impels us to them
And the days pass
And life wastes like a candle
And time does not stop
For we are afraid of being alone.
.والبعض نحبهم ..
لأننا لا نجد سواهم
وحاجتنا الى الحب تدفعنا نحوهم
فالأيام تمضي
والعمر ينقضي
والزمن لا يقف
ويرعبنا بأن نبقى بلا رفيق
And some, we love them …
Because their like deserves nothing but love
And before them we have nothing save love
And from them we learn what beauty means
And with them we heal many things
With them life itself is restored and made new
And we strive sincerely to fill their measure of happiness.
.والبعض نحبهم ..
لأن مثلهم لا يستحق سوى الحب
ولا نملك امامهم سوى ان نحب
فنتعلم منهم أشياء جميلة
ونرمم معهم أشياء كثيرة
ونعيد طلاء الحياة من جديد
ونسعى صادقين كي نمنحهم بعض السعادة
And some, we love them …
But in their hearts, we find no echo of love
And we fall and break
And flounder in our failure
For we cannot hate them
Nor forget them
And we love no other
And only tears are left after every failed attempt.
والبعض نحبهم ..
لكننا لانجد صدى لهذا الحب في قلوبهــم
فننهار و ننكسر
و نتخبط في حكايات فاشلة
فلا نكرهُهُم
ولا ننساهم
ولا نحبُّ سواهم
ونعود نبكيهم بعد كل محاوله فاشله
And some, we love them,
And we remain … if only they would love us,
For we love them.
Translated by Michael Curtotti
والبعض نحبهم ..
ويبقى فقط ان يحبوننا..
مثلما نحبهم..
Marianna Gibran by Kahlil Gibran (c. 1908 – c. 1914)