The Sultan’s Puppet Show
Shortly after Bahá’u’lláh was condemned to exile and imprisonment in the prison-city of Akka, he wrote to the Grand Vizier responsible for his banishment. The letter (the Tablet to the Chief) condemns the injustice of the Grand Vizier’s order and warns of his impending demise. Part of the letter is devoted to a brief story from Bahá’u’lláh’s childhood. In the story, Bahá’u’lláh is at a marriage feast being held in his father’s home. As part of the festivities, the puppet show “Shah Sultan Salim” is to be performed. As the play begins, the puppets announce that the Sultan is coming. There is a commotion as the puppets prepare the Sultan’s way…
Patriotic Cosmopolitanism
Can we, at the same time, love our family, our neighbours, our country, our people, humanity and the world we live in? Surely we can. And to love any of them, properly considered, is to love them all: for their welfare is intimately interwoven. There is no contradiction in speaking of patriotic cosmopolitanism – understood in this sense. The dichotomy between community and the world is a false one. We can love our history, our language, the good in our traditions, values which have proven their worth in peace and prosperity, our own family stories. And we can also, without contradiction, delight in the history, languages, stories, good in the…