• Senate Chamber

    Parliamentary Committee: Law to Strip Citizenship Lacks Proper Justification

    The Human Rights Committee of the Australian Parliament has expressed serious concerns about human rights compatability of the proposed law to strip citizenship from dual nationals suspected of involvement in terrorism. (Australian Citizenship Amendment (Allegiance to Australia) Bill 2015) The Committee, which has the job of making sure Australian laws are human rights complaint, made its findings in its latest review of Bills before the Australian Parliament. The Bill (which is expected to be adopted by Parliament) proposes to automatically strip citizenship from a dual national where the person is involved in a terrorist act or in supporting terrorism. The Committee notes that removal of citizenship has broad ranging human…

  • The Opposite of Hate

    There is a lot of hate about these days.  And people debate what the opposite of hate may be.  One thing’s for sure.  Hate is not the opposite of hate. We see it every night in the “news”.  More hate.  Once, people at least pretended to need a cause to kill.  Now, for some, sheer hatred seems to be enough justification to kill and crow about it.  Those who do so condemn themselves by their actions. I don’t need to use the word, for everyone to know what I’m talking about. Terrorism. It’s the new abnormal. And the acts of terror driven by hatred have a purpose.  Their purpose is…