Not seen,
Not heard.
Not smelt,
Not felt.
Not known.
Not loved.
Not no thing.
Abolish Foreignness
Eight million children under the age of five die each year from largely preventable causes. One billion people live in abject poverty. Thousands die crossing international borders while fleeing poverty, war or persecution. Rich countries reinforce barriers, laws and measures to prevent people crossing their borders. Hundreds of thousands are held in migration prisons as if they were criminals. 67 million people live as refugees or are internally displaced…
Racism - a daily reality
Racism is an almost daily news item. For many, its a terrible lived problem. But, many have trouble believing it exists, except perhaps at the the margins of society. If we don't see the obvious symbols of racism: arm bands, hate flags, white hoods, we may think the problem is no longer there. We have a curious situation where "racism"…
Tragedy knows no foreignness
Sometimes it is tragedy that reminds us of the most fundamental human truths. Last week, the world community witnessed the devastation that came upon Christchurch. Nations across the world now hope for and contribute to a swift process of rebuilding and rehabilitation, and they join New Zealand in mourning the victims of this terrible disaster that shook the nation. And…
At home with foreignness
We all come from somewhere. It’s an unavoidable fact of life. It’s similarly unavoidable that we have some sort of emotional connection to that part of the planet we call home. For some, it’s a deep sentimental attachment. For others, it’s a set of memories that they’d prefer to keep in the past. Regardless, there is no denying the power…

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