• patriotic cosmopolitanism - astronaut with international flag of planet earth designed by Oskar Pernefeldt

    Patriotic Cosmopolitanism

    Can we, at the same time, love our family, our neighbours, our country, our people, humanity and the world we live in? Surely we can. And to love any of them, properly considered, is to love them all: for their welfare is intimately interwoven.  There is no contradiction in speaking of patriotic cosmopolitanism – understood in this sense.  The dichotomy between community and the world is a false one. We can love our history, our language, the good in our traditions, values which have proven their worth in peace and prosperity, our own family stories. And we can also, without contradiction, delight in the history, languages, stories, good in the…

  • Senate Chamber

    Parliamentary Committee: Law to Strip Citizenship Lacks Proper Justification

    The Human Rights Committee of the Australian Parliament has expressed serious concerns about human rights compatability of the proposed law to strip citizenship from dual nationals suspected of involvement in terrorism. (Australian Citizenship Amendment (Allegiance to Australia) Bill 2015) The Committee, which has the job of making sure Australian laws are human rights complaint, made its findings in its latest review of Bills before the Australian Parliament. The Bill (which is expected to be adopted by Parliament) proposes to automatically strip citizenship from a dual national where the person is involved in a terrorist act or in supporting terrorism. The Committee notes that removal of citizenship has broad ranging human…

  • Pitch Perfect 2 promo

    Pitch Perfect 2 – Feminist Storytelling

    Warning, this one has some plot spoilers. Pitch Perfect 2, is a great dose of quirky, catchy and exuberant musical fun. And just for fun here are the Barden Bellas with their re-mix of Just the Way You Are from the first Pitch Perfect movie.   But this fun movie has a serious message, not far from the surface. The explicit and implicit feminist sub-texts of Pitch Perfect 2 are gracefully woven into the latest adventures and music of the Barden Bellas, an all female a capella group, for whom the label ‘misfits’ is spelled with a capital “M”. The characters of the Barden Bellas are a collective challenge to…

  • Image licensed under creative commons https://www.flickr.com/photos/buckaroobay/3721809183

    Upgrade Our Social Operating System

    “Exiters are leaving outdated systems and creating new ones”. These guys have some interesting ideas.  From their website at: http://voiceandexit.com “In this Voice & Exit 2013 talk, V&E co-founder Max Borders sets out his vision for social change. How can people “criticize by creating?” How can human beings flourish? Can we create new communities? Can we upgrade our democratic operating systems (DOS)? Meet co-founder and filmmaker Seth Blaustein as they launch their inaugural event.”  Below Max Borders on: upgrade our social operating system.

  • Frontera movie promo

    Frontera Movie Review

    The Frontera movie is a story about lives shattered by the US-Mexico border. The story unfolds around two families: one from the Mexican side, one from the U.S. side.  Miguel (Michael Peña) crosses the border to find work to support his family, including his pregnant wife Paulina (Eva Longoria).  On the other side lives a retired sheriff Roy (Ed Harris) and his wife Olivia (Amy Madigan). From the moment Miguel crosses the border everything goes wrong.  As the tragedy unfolds, Olivia is shot and killed.  Miguel, in the wrong place at the wrong time, is wrongly blamed.  The actions of a cast of villains and fools deepen the tragedy as…

  • Seeing With New Eyes: Ibn Al Haytham, Optics and Foreignness

    When we think of the science of optics we may think of Isaac Newton, who together with his other discoveries, made important studies in the field of optics. We are far less likely to think of the breakthroughs in optics and science made by Ibn Al Haytham, a scientist who lived in the Islamic world in the tenth century. To Europe he was known as Alhacen or Alhazen. Al Haytham largely solved a scientific problem that had frustrated previous thinkers for more than a thousand years.   How do we see?  The problem stretched back to the time of Aristotle. Aristotle spoke Greek.  Al Haytham’s work was written in Arabic and…

  • I am an immigrant

    Movement Against Xenophobia – I am an Immigrant

    “I AM AN IMMIGRANT” is a positive campaign out of the United Kingdom. It celebrates the contribution immigrants make to society. Xenophobia is rising around Europe.  Rather than buying into the controversy, the campaign shifts the rhetoric by simply telling the truth.  The truth is captured in stories to be placed on posters throughout Britain.  The posters tell the story of the contribution that migrants have made to Britain.  These stories are as diverse as life itself: from heart surgeon to train driver. Organizers cite the toxic political debate which vilifies migrants and fosters xenophobia as the motivation for the campaign. The video below introduces the campaign.   The campaign…

  • The Opposite of Hate

    There is a lot of hate about these days.  And people debate what the opposite of hate may be.  One thing’s for sure.  Hate is not the opposite of hate. We see it every night in the “news”.  More hate.  Once, people at least pretended to need a cause to kill.  Now, for some, sheer hatred seems to be enough justification to kill and crow about it.  Those who do so condemn themselves by their actions. I don’t need to use the word, for everyone to know what I’m talking about. Terrorism. It’s the new abnormal. And the acts of terror driven by hatred have a purpose.  Their purpose is…